Australia Dependent Visa

Planning to Settle in Australia? Avenir Educations is Your One-Stop Solution

If you are considering settling in Australia and have queries related to the process, such as how to apply for Australia PR from India, how to find full-time or part-time jobs in Australia, how to obtain an Australia Work Permit/Visa, how to apply for an Australia Spouse Visa, or any other short-term, long-term, temporary, or permanent visa needs, Avenir Educations is your trusted and certified consultant. We are your one-stop solution and final destination for all your immigration and settlement needs.

Australia PR and Visa Services

As certified consultants, we specialize in assisting our clients in obtaining Australia PR (Permanent Residency) by guiding them through the requirements and processes involved. We provide comprehensive support, helping our clients understand the requirements for Australia PR and assisting them throughout the entire process. Additionally, we offer valuable information before and after immigration, explaining the PR process, and providing assistance in finding jobs in Australia.

Becoming a Permanent Resident of Australia

To become a permanent resident of Australia, you can apply for a permanent visa, which grants you the right to work in Australia permanently. The easiest ways to obtain Australia PR are through the following visa streams:

  1. Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) – Points-Tested Stream: This visa is designed for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer, a state, or a family member. Applicants are assessed based on a points system that considers factors such as age, education, work experience, English language proficiency, and more.

  2. Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190) – Points-Tested Stream: This visa requires applicants to be nominated by a state or territory government agency. Similar to the Subclass 189 visa, it also utilizes a points system for assessment.

Study and Work Opportunities in Australia

Australia is recognized as one of the best countries to pursue higher education. Its universities offer world-class education that is globally recognized. Furthermore, there are various scholarship programs available, along with research modules that can distinguish you from the rest of the world.

Process to Apply for Australia Student Visa

If you are looking to study and work in Australia, you will need to follow the process for applying for an Australia Student Visa. The steps involved in the application process include:

  1. Filling out an application form.
  2. Providing a copy of the acceptance letter from the university.
  3. Submitting a valid passport or travel document.
  4. Providing recent passport-size photographs.
  5. Demonstrating proof of funds to support yourself during your study program.
  6. Submitting an explanation letter.
  7. Providing proof of payment for the study permit fee.
  8. Obtaining a medical examination certificate.
  9. Applying for a visa and waiting for a decision letter from the embassy.

At Avenir Educations, we are here to assist you with the entire process, ensuring a smooth and successful application for your Australia Student Visa.

Contact Avenir Educations today for all your Australia PR, visa, study, and job placement needs. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals of settling in Australia.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)