Canada Dependent Visa

Canada Spouse Visa Consultant - Avenir Educations: Your Pathway to a New Life in Canada

Canada has emerged as one of the top destinations in the world for individuals seeking work opportunities and permanent settlement. The Canadian federal government has implemented several immigrant-friendly policies to attract qualified and experienced workers. In recent times, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has introduced measures to ease immigration rules and facilitate visa applicants. The spousal visa program is one such initiative where IRCC has significantly reduced processing times.

Canada Spouse Visa:

Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents (PR) have the privilege to sponsor their spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner for a spouse visa. This visa allows the sponsored spouse to immigrate to Canada as a permanent resident, providing them with the opportunity to work, live, and settle permanently in Canada.

Types of Spouse Visas:

The Spouse Visa can be categorized into two types:

  1. Outland Sponsorship: This applies when the sponsored partner is residing outside the Canadian borders.

  2. Inland Sponsorship: This applies when the sponsored partner is residing within Canada with a temporary Canadian status.


To be eligible to sponsor a spouse, the following criteria must be met:

  • The sponsor must be at least 18 years old.
  • The sponsor must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • The sponsor must have a clean police record with no serious offenses.
  • The sponsor must not have sponsored a spouse within the last 5 years.

Reasons for Rejections:

There are specific rules and regulations set by Canadian authorities, and failing to meet these requirements may jeopardize the sponsorship process. Some common reasons for rejection include:

  • The sponsor being under the age of 18.
  • The sponsor being married to another person at the time of marrying the sponsored spouse.
  • Failure to provide financial evidence of supporting a previous sponsorship.
  • Living separately from the sponsored spouse while being involved in a conjugal or common-law relationship with a third person.
  • Having entered Canada but not being examined by the Canada Immigration and Citizenship (CIC).
  • Being involved in an existing sponsorship agreement at the time of filing a spousal sponsorship application.

Visa Processing Time:

With recent changes implemented, the processing time for spouse visa applications has been significantly reduced. The processing time depends on the location of the spouse.

Medical Examination:

In the initial stage, a medical examination is not required. Applicants will receive instructions on when to submit the medical examination report.

IELTS Requirement:

There is no requirement for an IELTS score for a spouse visa.

Why Choose Avenir Educations?

At Avenir Educations, we understand the importance of navigating the complex process of the Canada Spouse Visa application. Our experienced team of consultants specializes in providing comprehensive guidance and support throughout the entire process. We stay up-to-date with the latest immigration policies and ensure that your application is accurately prepared, increasing the chances of a successful outcome. With Avenir Educations as your trusted partner, you can embark on a new life in Canada with confidence.

Contact us today to begin your journey towards obtaining a Canada Spouse Visa.

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