New Zealand Dependent Visa

If you are already settled in New Zealand and wish to have your close family join you, or if you have relatives living abroad who wish to go to New Zealand to be close to their family, you can apply for a New Zealand Spouse Visa. This visa allows you to live in New Zealand if you are sponsored by a family member who is already a New Zealand citizen or resident.

Eligibility for New Zealand Spouse Visa

To apply for a New Zealand Spouse Visa, you must meet one of the following relationship criteria:

  1. Legitimate marriage
  2. Cordial union (opposite or same sex)
  3. Authorized relationship (opposite or same sex)

In all cases, the relationship must be genuine, steady, and not be used solely as a means to obtain a visa.

Requirements for New Zealand Spouse Visa

In addition to the relationship criteria, the following requirements must be met:

  1. One partner must be a New Zealand citizen or resident with a permanent resident visa.
  2. If the New Zealand partner obtained permanent residency under a previous partner visa scheme, at least 5 years must have elapsed since that occurred. They must also not have sponsored any previous applicants under the New Zealand partners category.
  3. If the New Zealand partner obtained permanent residency under a visa other than a spouse visa, they must not have sponsored any other applicants in the last 5 years under the New Zealand partners category.
  4. The New Zealand partner must not have been involved in a domestic violence case resulting in someone obtaining permanent residency under the domestic violence law within the last 7 years.
  5. The New Zealand partner must meet the specified character requirements.

What Immigration Officers Consider

When assessing a New Zealand Spouse Visa application, Immigration Officers consider the following four factors:

  1. Credibility: Both the applicant and the partner must provide credible evidence.
  2. Living together: Both partners should be living together at the time of the application.
  3. Genuine relationship: The reasons for entering and remaining in the partnership must be genuine.
  4. Stable partnership: The partnership should be committed and of a long-lasting nature.

These factors form the basis on which the Immigration Officer makes their decision. The Immigration Officer collects and examines evidence, including documentation and interviews, to determine if the partnership meets the requirements under New Zealand law.

At Avenir Educations, we are certified consultants who can assist you in obtaining a New Zealand Spouse Visa. We provide guidance, ensure your documents are in order, and help you throughout the visa application process. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

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