Education system in Canada

Canada makes a large investment in its education system. In fact, Canada is one of the world’s top education performers and among the top three countries in spending per capita on public post-secondary education, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

The tertiary education system in Canada is divided into:

  • Certificate level, generally for a year
  • Diploma level, for one or two years
  • Advanced Diploma, generally two or three-year programs
  • Bachelor degrees, awarded after four years of full-time study
  • Post-graduate Diplomas/Certificates, for one or two years of study
  • Master’s degrees, available after a bachelor degree to excel in a certain subject, for one to two years


Cost of studying in Canada

Canadian institutions offer lower tuition rates than any other countries, which mean international students can save considerably by studying in Canada. All Canadian universities receive public funding through their provincial governments, which allows for lower tuition fees and ensures all universities adhere to a code of academic standards.


Rent costs will vary greatly depending on where you study, and if you live on or off campus.

If you choose to live off campus you will likely pay around $600 a month to rent a room and at least $1,800 a month to rent an apartment.

Visa requirements

In Canada a student visa is often referred to as a ‘study permit’.

The following six steps will guide you through the process of applying for a study permit in Canada.

Step 1: Visa advice

Step 2: Collect visa documents

  • Passport
  • Passport-size photographs
  • Letter of acceptance
  • Fee receipt
  • Scholarship letter (if applicable)
  • Any relevant correspondence with the institution
  • Financial documents
  • Academic documents
  • Work experience certificates (if applicable)
  • Medical report

Step 3: Check provincial guidelines

Step 4: Submit application through VFS Canada

Step 5: Provide additional information or documents

Step 6: Let you know the decision on your study permit application.

Employment prospects

In Canada, work rights are available to international students while studying and also upon finishing a degree or diploma.

During your studies

Canada recently announced new regulations for international students. As of June, 2014, students do not need to apply for a separate work visa to work off-campus, and are eligible to work as soon as their program of study begins.

Canada provides extensive work and career opportunities for all types of students. Many institutions in Canada offer a co-operative education program. This is a structured program where students alternate between periods of work and study. This integrated curriculum is achieved through a partnership between the educational institution and industry.

After graduation

International graduates from Canadian higher education institutions also have the opportunity to work in Canada for up to three years following the completion of their program.

To work in Canada after you graduate, you must apply for a work permit under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP). If you would like to look into staying in Canada as a permanent resident after you finish your studies, there are several programs available, each with its own requirements.

Health and safety in Canada

Canadian universities are conscious of the safety of students on their campuses. Most universities and colleges have 24-hour campus security.

The Canadian government has launched ‘Walk Safe’ campaigns to help students safely use public transport late in the evening.

In Canada, each province or territory manages its own healthcare system, which covers the costs of Canadian citizens’ visits to hospitals and doctors. Virtually all Canadian tertiary institutions have medical insurance plans available for international students.

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