Europe study visa Jalandhar

We Will Help You Pursue Your Academic Journey in Europe

Along with the Western world, we are visa experts of the European countries. Each year, we avail visa for students from Jalandhar and neighbouring regions to pursue their course of interest in over 3000 Europe Colleges and Universities. Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Cyprus, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and many more among the 26 Schengen countries is where our students studying and living their life. We know that you are searching for a reliable and well experienced Europe student visa consultant in Jalandhar. Our request to you is to please pay us a visit once. We give assurance that you’ll feel proud after meeting our Europe study visa Jalandhar team. Our team provides career-based solutions to aspirants who dream of studying in Europe. More impressive is our Europe’s study visa high success rate that’ll inspire you to apply from us. So, come quickly as the enrolment season has begun.

Why Choose Our Europe Study Visa Services in Jalandhar?

• It’s going to be a decade since we have been successfully offering immigration services.
• We have the best Europe study visa Jalandhar team who will inform you all about the visa formalities of Europe study visa.
• We have a strong network in Europe, so you can select your choice of training, and thereafter have big career opportunities to explore holding the international education.
• Our high study visa success rate includes both fresh and reapplying applicants.
• We navigate your case successfully through strategic solutions.
• We review all detail of your application and make it compelling before submission.
• We make the process simple for you and provide you with the peace of mind.
• We offer dedicated support even after you depart to Europe.

Program to Study in Europe

• Business Administration
• Engineering & Technology
• Law
• Medicine & Health
• Leisure & Sports
• Horticulture & Forestry
• Food & Beverage
• Social Sciences
• Business & Economics
• Tourism & Hospitality Management
• Art, Design & Architecture
• Language Studies
• Branding & Marketing
• Computer Science & IT
• Professional Studies
• Journalism & Mass Communication
• Education & Training
• Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences

Benefit of Studying in Europe

• No IELTS and entrance test required.
• Min. eligible qualification is 12th.
• Min. percentage to apply is 60%.
• Study in Government based Universities.
• No Language problem as study program is in English.
• Cost of living is less.
• Easy & fast visa processing time.
• 20 hrs/week part time work facility for student.
• Student can stay for 6 to 12 months after course is over.

Application Process to Study in Europe

• Send your educational documents and transcripts to university.
• University recognizes/validates the documents.
• University sets exam on the chosen program.
• University organises online interview with student.
• University sends agreement of study to student.
• Student pays tuition fee for the selected program.

Pursue your higher education in Europe through our quick time assistance. Avenir Educations will provide you with the right kind of educational opportunities in any Schengen country of your choice. Discuss your study plan with our Europe study visa Jalandhar team.

Our Awards and Achievements

Seminar Conducted By

Avenir Educations Pvt. Ltd., Kangra At
Sacred Heart Sr. Sec. School, Sidhpur, Dharamshala

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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