Why Study In New Zealand

New Zealand offers a world-class education in a postcard-perfect environment.

With landscapes varying from snowy mountain ranges, steaming volcanoes and geysers, icy glaciers and rolling green hills, New Zealand is world famous for its picturesque scenery.

Similarly, its education system is world class. From expert teaching staff to advanced facilities and resources, New Zealand is increasingly a leader in higher education.

Quality institutions

New Zealand has an excellent, centrally managed quality assurance system. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) requires that institutions are registered to enroll international students and ensures compliance with qualifications standards.

Five New Zealand universities were ranked in the top 400 universities in the world by the 2013-2014 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Education system in New Zealand

From expert teaching staff to world-class facilities and a rich pool of natural resources, New Zealand is popular among students seeking a secure study environment and outdoor lifestyle.

The New Zealand tertiary education system is broadly divided into six sectors.


There are eight public universities in New Zealand, which offer undergraduate (bachelor) and postgraduate degrees. Universities are teaching and research-based. Five were listed in the 2013/2014 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics

New Zealand has 22 Institutes of Technology or Polytechnics. Courses are usually vocational and skills-based, ranging from certificate level through to bachelor degree and postgraduate level.

Private tertiary and training institutions

There are a growing number of private tertiary and training providers offering an alternative study option. They offer professional certificates, diplomas and degrees in a diverse range of subjects including the arts, hospitality, computer studies, quality management, ecotourism and others. More than 800 such establishments are registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. About a quarter of these are Mãori owned and operated.

Teacher training

New Zealand is internationally recognized for its excellent education standards and for training high-quality teachers. There are six government-funded institutions that specialize in teacher training. Two operate within universities and the other four offer programs in collaboration with their local university. They offer training for teachers across early childhood, primary, secondary, special and tertiary (higher education) levels.

English language training sector

Private English language schools offer a variety of courses for all ages including adventure, business and academic programs. Adventure courses provide a balance of English language tuition and stimulating activity of students’ choice. There are courses in English for business purposes and courses to help prepare students for IELTS testing. Most tertiary institutions also provide English language preparation for further study or foundation courses.

Cost of studying in New Zealand

One of the advantages of studying in New Zealand is value for your money. Living expenses and tuition costs are comparatively affordable.

Tuition fees vary depending on the type of course (arts or science; undergraduate/bachelor or postgraduate) and the duration of the course.


Like other parts of the world, the cost of rental accommodation varies greatly depending on where you study and the style of accommodation. As a guide, the national median rental in May 2013 was NZ$360 per week for a three-bedroom home. In central parts of Auckland and Wellington, the median was nearer NZ$460 a week with more desirable homes up to NZ$660 per week.

Visa requirements

To receive a student visa, you have to prove that you have enough money to pay for living expenses, education costs and travel for your entire stay in New Zealand.

For your student visa you may also require:

Offer letter: The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) offer letter to international students, which lists minimum course duration, course fees and whether the fees are applicable at domestic or foreign rates.

Guarantee of Stay (for students aged under 18 years):A written document from an institution or person that states that the student has suitable accommodation arranged in New Zealand.

Health and medical requirements:If you are staying in New Zealand for more than six months then you need to be screened for tuberculosis. For a longer stay, medical and X-ray certificates need to be provided.

Work plans:If you plan to work after your studies in New Zealand then your IDP Education counselor may be able to provide basic guidance about the visa options available, but you will need to contact a migration agent for further assistance.

Proof of English: An IELTS score to demonstrate competency in English is necessary to apply for a student visa to study in New Zealand. You will need to meet IELTS score prerequisites to gain admission to the top universities in New Zealand. Some education providers do consider your English scores in year 12.

Employment prospects in New Zealand

Earn while you learn

An international education can be a strain on a student’s budget. In New Zealand, most students enrolled in a course of 12 months’ duration or longer can work part-time for up to 20 hours a week during semester and during holiday periods.

This not only helps top up the bank balance, but also provides an excellent opportunity to integrate in the community and meet new people.

After graduation

With skill shortages across various sectors in the New Zealand labour market, graduates are in high demand in New Zealand. In particular, there is a strong demand for skilled workers in the health, information and communications technology, agriculture and farming, and engineering industries.

Students with skills in demand and who wish to stay in New Zealand long-term may apply for a Skilled Migrant visa, which will allow them to live and work in New Zealand permanently.

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