USA Dependent Visa

USA Dependent Visa Consultant – Apply for your USA Dependent Visa with Avenir Educations

As the leading USA Dependent Visa Consultant in Jalandhar, Punjab, we specialize in assisting individuals with their USA Dependent Visa applications. A dependent visa allows spouses, parents, and children to travel to a foreign country to accompany a family member who holds a corresponding visa type. Dependents must provide evidence either that the main applicant has sufficient funds/income to support them or that they have enough funds to support themselves without relying on public funds.

A dependent visa enables the spouse, parents, and young children of non-immigrant workers to travel to and stay in the United States. The application process depends on whether you are currently outside the U.S. or inside.

Eligibility Criteria to Apply for USA Dependent Visa:

  1. Spouse must be in valid H-1 visa status. If the spouse is not in valid H-1 visa status, the visa application cannot be filed.

  2. The dependent visa is issued to family members who accompany an L1 or intracompany transfer visa holder to the USA.

Required Documents for USA Dependent Visa:

  1. A copy of your spouse or parent’s H-1B Approval Notice.

  2. Your marriage certificate or birth certificate (depending on the relationship).

  3. Your passport, which should be valid for at least six months.

  4. Additional supporting documents may be required.

  5. At Avenir Educations, we provide comprehensive assistance and guidance throughout the USA Dependent Visa application process. Our certified consultants will ensure that your documents are complete, accurate, and meet the necessary requirements. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your USA Dependent Visa application.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)